Why Holistic?

Why holistic? A brief discourse on the potential benefits in contrast to conventional medicine. The most common approach to our illnesses is a trip to the doctor; who gives advise that you could have found on the internet, maybe some pills to cure our aches and whistles, and most definitely not the reassurance that something will actually change. Before understanding the need for holistic, we have to briefly comprehend the ills of the conventional. Conventional medicine, first and … Read More

Dr. Tan Acupuncture Balance Method for the pain in neck and shoulder.

Most of the patients I see in my Highgate and East Finchley clinic suffer from a variety of muscle skeletal pains, the most usual are Lower Back Pain, Neck and shoulder pain, chronic injuries and traumas, neck & shoulder pain and other musculoskeletal complications including numbness, burning, stiffness, discomfort etc. In the West, we’re overprescribed pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication. As a result of taking a high dosage, people suffer from it’s side-effects. Unfortunately, people unaware of what acupuncture and Acupuncture Balance Method in particular can offer.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture teaches us to properly treat our patients, using ancient skills dated back thousands of years.

Acupuncture Balance Method works miracles for the Lower Back Pain

I have long admired the results of Dr Tan’s Acupuncture Balance Method in treating Lower Back Pain. Yesterday a patient travelled to our North London East Finchley clinic because of her Lower Back condition. She suffered chronic pain for 6 years in the lumbar area. The pain radiated down the leg which was the indication that the sciatic nerve was affected. The patient ranged the pain severity as an ‘8’ out of ’10’. MRI scan showed lumbar radiculopathy … Read More

Stress and Anger Management programme and training.

‘I believe that learning the Emotional Release Technique and how to use it, was one of the greatest gifts in my life’. Nika ‘Life Balance Method is the best technique for Stress and Anger Management.’ Boris Krippa Many people suffer from anger. Left untreated, it grows (even when we think we have it well hidden or in check) creating anxiety, depression, family problems and health problems. According to psychosomatic research such diseases as hypertension, IBS, acne, circulatory problems … Read More

What is Life Balance Method?

Life Balance Method is a unique therapy, originated from teachings of famous Russian psychologist and Reiki Master Mira Moiseeva. It consists of powerful combination of effective psychological and holistic techniques, aiming at getting back to harmony with ourselves. According to Psychosomatic research, negative emotions such as Anger, Resentment, Guilt, Fear or Stress can develop problems and illnesses on a physical level. When we let all these emotions go, the negative information becomes ‘deleted’ from our energy field. Thus, we … Read More

Life Balance Method programme in the London Acupuncture training course.

Dr Richard Tan always said that ‘acupuncture does not work if the patient cannot avoid ongoing inner stress and aggravation’. It used to be that a Chinese doctor was not allowed to needle a patient or give him herbs until he helped the patient on a spiritual level. I believe that we can offer the patient much more: balancing not only the energy system using needles, but also the soul. We can help lead the patient to an … Read More

Stress Management & Emotional Release Therapy in our London Highgate and East Finchley clinics

Conflict Resolution & Emotional Release Therapy is a problem solving process to release the emotions and memories that were experienced as problems. It is a process of letting go of the memories and releasing the “negative baggage” that we have collected throughout our life. This involves the movement of the heart and mind towards understanding, love and compassion, away from fear, anger and hate.

Dr Tan’s Balance Method

Katia Fedotova, licences acupuncturist and Reiki Master undertook the intensive Core Foundation and Advanced training with Dr Tan. Our Holistic Health Clinic in the North of London offers acupuncture treatments for immediate pain release and functional disorders within a framework of Dr. Tan’s Balancing method.

Holistic Coaching in our North London clinic.

According to the Holistic concept guideline we cannot cure disease without addressing the issues on a spiritual level. The Helianthus Holistic Health Clinic offers treatment that heal it in all 3 Dimensions Mind, Body and Spirit. It is a private complementary medicine practice in a residential area of Highgate / East Finchley in the north London.

Bruce Lipton – a famous biologist.

Our Holistic Health Clinic in Highgate, North London offers the exceptional and unique treatment course which includes Emotional & Stress Release, Acupuncture and Reiki Healing at the same time. This 4 days healing method has outstanding results for many health issues, including infertility & other fertility problems, Digestion, IBS, Kidney-Bladder related problems, Heart deceases and many others. Please visit the testimonial page to read the feedback of our patients.

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